January 3 Has the forth seal been broken, of the seven seals? When the fourth seal was broken one forth of the world was given over to death by sword, famine, and disease, much like the world we live in today! The next seals speak of the stars falling from the skys and the earth being shaken and rolled up as a scroll. Much like the description of atomic blasts. We may not visually see seals being broken. But we witness the results of their breaking. Some will say that the world has been like this since the beginning, yet those words too, offer a example of what the WORD of GOD describes, as scoffers in the end times. Many will choose to not believe, thinking there 'is no God', yet that too was spoken of in Psalms. Those who believe may accept that we are indeed approaching the day of HIS return, so unheeded by the world. And that was also spoken about. Indeed the day draws near that we look to the HEAVENS and bend our knee one last time on this earth and proclaim the KING of KINGS, the LORD of LORDS has returned. The picture is clear, the WORD reveals itself each day, may we not be blind to HIS return. GOD be with us, allow us to STAND STRONG on the WORD from GOD to man.
January 2 Yesterday we enjoyed the old Dutch ritual of eating cabbage and pork on New Year's day. The saying is that the one eating those foods will 'root ahead' in the new year. Those who would eat poultry would 'scratch backward' during the new year, actions of the food eaten. Thankfully GOD'S word is NOT based on or contains such myths or sayings. It tells us what to do or how to act with certainty! GOD is the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person and will give to each whatever they deserve. And unlike the commercials to invest in gold to boost your portfolio, GOD'S advice is to buy gold that has been purified by fire from HIM, and to purchase white garments that will hide our nakedness and ointment for our eyes so we can clearly see. These are not for sale at the local exchange or store, but only as a GIFT from the BLOOD of CHRIST. Sometimes we follow the craziest things, isn't it time to follow what really matters? GOD bless you in this new year, may those things that really matter become most precious to you.
January 1st In the spring when I walk, on the road after a shower, I see the trail of where earth worms have crawled. Some go along the edge and back into the ditch, some go across the road to the other side and into the ditch, but most just crawl around on the road and die when the sun comes out and dries the road. Each time I see that happen I think that humans are no different than an earthworm. Some think they want to find GOD, so they crawl along the edge and then give up and go back to where they were. Most think they should search for GOD and crawl around looking, but never accept the way and die without finding their way. But some in search of GOD crawl across the road and into the GLORY of the other side. Yes, some find the wonders of GOD when they seek, others give up and return to what they think is ok. The rest return to the dust from which we were made, without finding the GLORY that they were looking for. If we look, we can see what GOD has in store for us, if we don't seek HIM we will never find and be saved. We should be wiser than a earthworm. GOD bless you.
December 31 The stories I once learned in Sunday School long ago, that were traded for what the world offered, are again becoming refreshed in my mind. As I was reading through GOD'S WORD again for the ? time, it is so enjoyable to meet with David, Solomon, each of the kings to follow and the Judges, Moses and Joshua. The birth of JESUS through HIS death along with Paul's story and the messages to the believers. But I am always excited to reach Revelation and like a old friend, see what mysteries will be revealed this time. No matter how many time I have read through or what translation, there are new things to learn. GOD'S mercy to us has been shown more than 7 times 70, it is a mercy with GRACE beyond measure. Despite HIS discipline, HE is there to receive and forgive. We are welcome into his family no matter what we have done. We have ALL fallen short. But we need not wallow in the sin of our past. HE takes ALL who will come unto HIM. HE welcomes me into HIS house and HE welcomes you! Allow him to bless YOU, HE has made this day, so that all may come to HIM.
December 30 Have you ever watched a program that the actions and words were not in sync with each other? It's like watching a program that's in a different language. That makes me think of how we can often be 'out of sync' with GOD, in our actions and words. Proclaiming one thing and doing another. Our lives need to be as GOD. When we are assured that JESUS came in a human body, died on a cross, and came back to life again on the third day, we begin our travels into being synchronized with GOD. The more we study the 'real' thing, GOD'S WORD, the better we will be at identifying the counterfeit. This world is full of those who say this or that is the way. We must align ourselves, fully in sync with GOD to present the truth to the world around us. Anything less would only be confusion. GOD bless you.
December 29 It's often after our death that the work we have done is realized. Like a painter who lives in obscurity and after their death their paintings become very valuable. Our lives are a proving ground of the FAITH within us. The work we have done for GOD is not fully comprehended until we stand before GOD and HE says 'Well done'. Those who do not work for the LORD, shall receive no crown but be cast into a lake of fire! Most of us wonder if we have made any difference while in this world. It is after we have passed beyond this world that we will clearly see the difference or lack of change we have made. For many that day is awaited in fear, but some may look ahead to clearly see the difference their lives may have made. I wonder if I have made any difference, I look forward to the day that the paths will be made clear and hope that my life in some small way will give GLORY to GOD. HIS work is never done until HIS return. We are the ones that pass on the WORD or try to destroy it. May our lives be complete, GOD bless you.
December 28 II Peter 3, has several quotes that we are hearing repeated more each year. They are in quotation marks as to what people will say. "From before the time of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was created." How many times have you heard that? Those who have the opinion that GOD will not return and judge the world are recognized by the words in those scriptures. GOD isn't taking a long time to return, HE wants no one to be destroyed. We are more hell bent on harming, than to enjoy loving them! Perhaps the melting of the world and shaking of the heavens is our own response, with atomic weapons, and not the following of GOD'S WORD to love one another. The time of HIS return shall come as a thief. Indeed many will be unprepared. May we each be building our treasures in HEAVEN. GOD bless you.
December 27 Every day since the second half of archery season started, it has been rainy except one. On that day even with a lot of sIgn around me, I saw nothing. On the rainy days I just go back to bed. Yet I can't help but feel so blessed. It has been such a fulfilling season so far. Our freezer contains some of the best food available. And we have helped some families to also have resources through the winter. GOD is so good, yet IF we hadn't gotten out of our beds nothing would have happened. It seems to me that to many people just sit and expect thIngs to be given to them. There are those who work to try and advance and those who just expect a hand out. When that is shown to me I remember the words 'those who don't work won't eat'. The widows and orphans are to be taken care of, but there are limits to them! Being generous loses it's flavor when its demanded. Then those who need it the most suffer. HIS WORD tells us that we are to take care of our own families, not to rely on 'government' aid. However with that 'aid' the taking care of our own has fallen away and a call for 11 or 19 dollars a month has filled the air waves. And still those living after storms remain in tents. Our sense of aid has lost it's way, help those you can, in any way you can. We are so blessed that we have forgotten how to be of aid to those directly next to us. Our best help is helping those to help themselves. GOD has blessed us, we can be a blessing to others. That shows the GLORY of GOD to a world that is looking for more.
December 26 Yesterday we had a great breakfast with all our family here. We exchanged gifts and talked. It was fun, but when they had all left and we were exhausted and it was only 10.30! I am so thankful for ALL GOD has done for each of us. All around the world we each have much to be thankful for. The reports from Africa have GOD being accepted as a burning fire. At the Russian borders even through distruction GOD remains visible and sought after. Israel calls on GOD to save a tiny country from devastation. GOD is moving throughout the world! In HIS kindness HE has given each of us the gift to share in HIS ETERNAL GLORY, by means of JESUS CHRIST. Stand firm against the enemy and be strong in FAITH. Remember that your family of believers all over the world are united in one mind, to PRAISE GOD with you. "Give all your worries and cares to GOD, for HE cares about you." GOD bless you.
December 25 "She will give birth to a son and they shall call him Emmanuel which means, GOD is with us." "Because of GOD'S tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide us on the path of peace." The world has lost it's way, war replaces peace, sin replaced what GOD made. Today begins anew, a new era in our lives, "For on this day a child is born, a son is given." Our lives given a new chance to be delivered from the grip of death and satans hold. A DELIVERER to make us acceptable to GOD. If we would only believe in HIM, the GIFT, the CHILD, the MAN, the SAVIOUR. May you have a Merry Christmas and GOD bless, as today CHRIST JESUS was born!
December 23 The BIBLE is very explicit when it tells us, "If you seek after ME you will prosper." It also tells us, "If you follow the paths of sin you will be destroyed." While only a short time has passed since the election, I have heard the word GOD more, seen less 'demonstrations', no distruction of national landmarks and a more sense of returning to this countries past. If you haven't seen a change I would be surprised. The hearts of the country have seen where destruction can lead us, if we turn away from GOD. Now it is time to humble ourselves an seek repentance and throw away our 'idols' and return to GOD. The world is destined for doom on GOD'S timetable, we do not know the hour, but just as HIS wrath was turned away many times long ago, it can yet today. Doing what we think is right must be compared to GOD'S WORD. Then our actions must follow. Once again the words, 'In GOD we trust' can have a true meaning. GOD bless you.
December 22 As the book of James tells us, if we say one thing and do another, we will not be taken seriously. Our actions and words prove the content of our heart. Using poor language is accepted more each day, but if a person who claims to be a believer in CHRIST uses bad language who can trust the story of GOD'S love and salvation coming from their lips? Our lives should indeed change, as James records and with that change the evidence of the SPIRIT, including self-control. Unfortunately our tongue is the hardest to control! As we turn our lives from sin toward GOD, there are times that we fail in our way of life representing the MASTER. But each day is a new beginning, a new start to improve our connection to the way we are to be. The more we investigate GOD'S WORD, and seek HIS way, the closer we can come to HIS likeness. Give us the willingness to be seen in a different light because of our FAITH. GOD be with us.
December 21 There was a day when a machine I was working on would start and then die. It was driving me crazy. I had checked all the conditions that normally were the cause of that problem, but nothing worked. Finally I was fortunate and found a tiny little electric break inside the wire harness. It cost like $5.00 to replace it! Our lives are much the same, we are broken by what we think are small things, but they keep us from working properly. Just like the tiny part stopped a huge machine, a tiny bit of unfaithfulness breaks us! Until we repair even the smallest bit of unfaithfulness, we remain broken. GOD is the master repairman, HE KNOWS what needs replaced and fixed. When HE tells us, it is up to us to take HIS WORD or reject it. To be fixed or remain broken is up to us! All we have to do, is act on what HE tells us. GOD bless you.
December 20 For the last couple of days I have been recounting the results of the hunting season so far. Looking at what has worked and what has worked the best. Then with the notes that were kept I have ordered some equipment such as arrows, broadheads and other things while they are on sale. While looking back over the season so far it reminds me of my life and what has worked the best. In observance the times when I have allowed GOD to be be the closest, is when the best has happened. A revelation opens the doors to many experiences that prove HIS faithfulness and love toward me. It is no wonder that I would choose to go with GOD! Yet satan tries new tricks, new gear so to speak. The temptation to sway away from the best to what is offered is endless. Unlike hunting gear that can be tried and evaluated we must first evaluate the temptation and make a decision. Look long and hard, compare with the WORD of GOD. Many times the advertised value is far short of the worthiness required to be the best. GOD'S WORD is the scale we must use when we balance our life. May GOD bless you.
December 19 We may have all heard the saying, "It's not over until the fat lady sings." I have no idea where that came from, but I know and am certain that GOD, who began the work within you and me, will continue HIS work until it is finally finished, on the day when JESUS CHRIST returns. I have become so captured in sin that it will take until the return of my SAVIOUR to be totally acceptable. Until then I remain, a work in progress. Inching ahead and slipping back, as if trying to climb out of a pit that has slippery sides. The LORD throws a rope to pull me out, yet too often, I cast it aside and dig my nails into the mud, trying to escape on my own. Perfection will not be reached until the moment CHRIST opens the door and takes us by the hand, welcomes us home and gives a robe of white. Until that moment the war rages within us, the battles of right and wrong. May we make the choices that HE would. GOD bless you.
December 18 As the day of CHRIST'S return comes closer, we need to help each other through difficult times and keep our problems in perspective. We need to encourage others and to share GOD'S GOOD NEWS with others in the time that remaIns. Our lives can be a light in a ever darkening world. Remember, "When all we own is taken away, accept it with joy. Knowing that there are better things waiting for you that will last forever." When our health fails, our investments crash or our savings are spent, we are on the verge of the greatness that GOD alone can provide. All the riches we could ever own are HIS, our very life HE has made and is HIS to take. Our joy or anguish is in the FAITH we hold within our lives for the one who created us. Without GOD we are nothing. It is our SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST that holds all the riches of HEAVEN. Our inheritance is through HIM. Be glad, for the time of ETERNAL JOY is approaching. Prepare for the future today, ETERNITY lays just ahead. GOD bless you.
December 17 Yesterday we went to Ottumwa, to begin our Christmas shopping. We visited several stores, looked for the suggested gifts, had lunch at 2, became tired, had sore feet, came home. Only had finished 1/6th of what we needed to do. It was exhausting! I thought that when CHRIST gave HIS life for all mankind as a gift, it truly was excruciating! That one gift that is thrown aside by so many, as if it were useless, was hand made. Constructed exactly for each of us, personally presented to us by the SON of GOD. HIS labors spent to deliver the entire human race from the damnation we are so bent to reject. The perfect gift! This Christmas look beyond those gifts given by human hands and turn our thoughts toward the gift given long ago to save the world. Through sickness, sorrow and death, the gift of ETERNAL LIFE awaits those who will accept it. May GOD bless you.
December 16 We have had ice covered roads since friday night and on Sunday afternoon we got into the 4 wheeler and went to a basketball game. The storm had caused damage at the college so they were playing at the high school gym about 4 miles away. I didn't realize how much my wife needed to get out of the house. She visited with those she knew for the whole game. When we were headed home she wasn't nearly as mad at the world, haha. When we are away from GOD it upsets us but we either don't realize or make excuses why we don't need HIM. We try to negotiate life, ourselves and think everything is ok. When we finally react to the WORD of GOD it changes us. We may not see it but others will. After a little more time we see the change ourselves, a change that we do not want to be without. The negative is lifted and GOD'S love fills the voids. The world's pressures are constant and when we slip, the darkness is as a weight upon us. We know where the relief originates, to that we must return. The eyes of too many are closed to the reality of the WORDS printed within the BIBLE. Reading GOD'S WORD delivers us from the feelings of loneliness. When there is time to do anything else, there is also time to read GOD'S WORD. Pick up the WORD and be blessed.
December 15 No matter what we may think, we are judged by GOD and not by the people around us. We may act a certain way to impress someone, but if it is not true it will be found out. We may claim to believe one thing and act another. "Nothing in all creation is hidden from GOD. Everything is naked and exposed before HIS eyes, and HE is the one to whom we are accountable." Make sure your hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the LIVING GOD. We must warn each other, every day, while it is 'today', for the hour may come, as a thief in the night and all could be lost. Today is the day of REPENTANCE! Today is the day of REJOICING! "Today when you hear HIS VOICE, don't harden your heart." receive the WORD of GOD and put it to work in your lives. GOD bless you.
December 14 GOD does indeed love everyone, HE has given us a wonderful but dangerous gift. That 'gift' is called free will. It is the ability to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, GOD and satan, and HEAVEN or hell. GOD will not force HIS salvation and forgiveness upon us. It is our choice to say yes or no. Anyone who ends up in hell is there because of their own willful and deliberate decision to reject GOD'S offer of forgiveness. We are created in the very image of GOD and we have the ability to make our lives as heaven or hell. We control our own destiny, no one else controls us. Make the choice that will save yourself, no one can do it for you. May GOD'S GLORY and MERCY show you the way. GOD be with you and bless you.
December 13 Each day we are faced with choices of what we say, how we act and how we treat others. We face evil and envy and hate every day. Let these words seep into your life today so that we can make a wiser choice. "When GOD our SAVIOUR revealed HIS kindness and love, HE saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of HIS mercy. HE washed away our sins, giving us new birth and new life through the HOLY SPIRIT. HE generously poured out the SPIRIT upon us through JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOUR. Because of HIS GRACE HE made us right in HIS sight and gave us confidence that we WILL inherit eternal life." What a joy to believe, knowing that these words from Titus 3 is not a fable, but a way to live our lives forward. GOD bless you.
December 12 The cold weather has returned and after a late night, returning home from a Iowa vs Iowa State girls basketball game, it's easy for me to pull the covers up around my neck and get a few more 'winks'. Thankfully my son drove home as his girls slept in the back seat. Sometimes our spirit loses because we are tired. We battle the forces around us and try to win on our own. We get tired, weak and fall asleep. We to often fail to work as a team, and we try to do it our selves. My most common problem in walking toward CHRIST is not wanting others help. Where I have trouble staying in GOD'S guidelines, I count on myself to correct what I can't. We, I, need the fellowship of the others on GOD'S team to help me realize what I need to be doing to stay out of the world's view as 'ok'. From GOD'S view, the worlds view is wrong, deadly wrong! Others can help us stay closer to the road that we are to be on, others can also lead us off the road. GOD'S WORD are the signs, signals and rules of the road. We need them to keep a smooth flow in the right direction. Teamwork helps us all stay connected to the prize ahead. Getting out from under satans covers and under the cover of GOD'S hand requires more than our own strength, it requires team work as well. GOD bless you.
December 11 Now that fall has had a grip on us and the winter weather has become a reality, we have started our wood stove to make our downstairs less chilly. When we built the house it was designed to heat the whole house, which it did. But as age has crept upon us the wood cutting that once took a day now takes several days and wIth only Bonnie and I it takes longer. Today we try to keep a small fire going and in the morning we add wood for the day and bring the embers back to life. 2nd Timothy says "This is why I remind you to fan into flame the SPIRITUAL GIFT GOD gave you. For GOD has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline." Let each day remind us of the work that we are assigned to do. Even if we feel it is small and insignificant, it is important to the whole body of mankind that we each do our part. When we burn with the flame of HIS SPIRIT we only need to fan the ember within us to generate a fire for the LORD. We all have a ember, perhaps hidden beneath the ashes of life, but waiting to be brought back to a living fire. May GOD bless you.
December 10 "For our hope is in the LIVING GOD, who is the SAVIOUR of all." With war against and all around Israel, I am taken back to when Joshua, by GOD'S command, led the Israeli army against Jericho and the other nations that the LORD GOD had given them. They put their FAITH in GOD and the other countries fell in fear. The works of todays nations are none the less as destructive against that same nation of Israel. A small nation surrounded by larger nations that attack and threaten its borders. It is not that GOD has turned HIS back on HIS people, but that they, like we, have been led away from GOD by the master of deception. When we, a family under GOD, turn back to the one we have left outside our worship and SEEK HIM and TRUST HIM, HE will once again deliver us from our enemy and deliver us to the land "flowing with milk and honey." We are dependant upon our own army, our own will our own fight. It is not our battle, it is GOD'S, a war of good and evil that was won when one man hung upon the cross that ALL may be saved. Until CHRIST returns we must suffer in those wars and rumors of wars. Only those who BELIEVE have the peace and victory over the evil one that attacks us all. The armor against which remains the WORD of GOD. Put on HIS ARMOR, prepare for battle, the victory has already been won. GOD bless you.
December 9 We were attending our granddaughters music program when I noticed a bumper sticker on a pickup. It read, "JESUS CHRIST is my SAVIOUR", on the other side of the bumper a sticker read, "Trump is my president". Now I am not advocating one party over another, but since the recent election, I have noticed A LOT more GOD things that are said, displayed or shared. In these times I am a witness to the words of Moses to the people of Israel, if you follow the LORD then you will be prosperous, if you do not follow the LORD you will be a failure and separated GOD, my loose translation. But, if you see the error of your ways an return to GOD and pray and seek HIM, HE will return to you. How my heart is joyed to see the minds of mankind returning to GOD! Perhaps you can see these things where you live. It is time to seek, pray and show others the faith within you! To remain silent only would usher us back toward the darkness. It is time to say, JESUS CHRIST is my SAVIOUR, regardless of who the president may be. May GOD bless you and may our country regain the faith that it was built upon.We cannot allow this opportunity to pass without making an attempt to build upon it. By the way, most of the songs were Christian Christmas songs! In a public school! The Spirit of GOD is moving, do not let it pass you, grab ahold and GOD will bless you.
December 8 Everything is from GOD. After a sleepless night I picked up the 3 Amish that would be hunting. I rushed to get them to the stands that were certain to have deer pass by. After they were at their locations I took a quick shower and headed to men's meeting. I was certain that when I got back home, that all 3 would be waiting at the garage with a deer each. The meeting was awesome as usual and as it ended so the excitement to get home and see how it went built up. Arriving home I peaked into the garage and there was a deer, soon Allen came and told how he had gotten the really wide 10 point just after I left. But it was noon before the 2 boys appeared empty handed. After lunch we went to another stand and Allen and I went to do chores until evening. We said that if they got one to go to the gate and we would be by every 2 hours to check on them. No one was at the gate when I checked at 4! So I made a loop around the area, and as I went back by, a orange vest was headed toward the gate! After getting the 4 wheeler and retrieving Ervins doe, we were about to leave when Mervin ran up behind us and said He had got one. So all 3 had got a deer, one at first light and the boys a half hour before dark. There were plenty of stories to be shared with friends, and family but the most common phrase was, "Everything is from GOD," the good, the wait, the uncertainty, the joy, all a gift. May GOD'S blessings be noticed by you and HIS peace be with you. Everything is from GOD, recognize it and be glad. GOD bless you.
December 7 Ever since I started hunting, the night before the first day was nearly sleepless. And even though I seldom gun hunt any more, the Amish boys that are coming, are excited and that makes me just as sleepless as that first hunt many years ago. As I lay awake thinking of the day when the world will hear that shout and trumpet blast that gives notice that CHRIST is returning. The world gives that moment little or no thought, but regardless if it is today, next week or years from now, what a day that will be! If we knew the day and hour of that signal would we be sleepless? Just the knowledge of that moment stirs a cord of eternal excitement in those who believe. However; if we knew the hour, those years leading up to that moment may be lax and not filled with expectation. While the first day is filled with excited expectation, the day of CHRIST'S return has become more and more watched for, with joy and not fear through the years. Learning GOD'S word is fulfilling in a way that only those who believe can know. "Even so LORD come," we pray through trials and sickness. Learning each day that the moment is drawing closer is enough to compare and exceed the joy of other days ahead. May GOD ignite your soul with the excitement of HIS return. GOD bless you.
December 6 While making plans for Saturday's hunt and getting the Amish boys picked up and to their stands, I realized that Saturday was mens meeting day. I had been invited to speak to the group of men several years ago and liked the meeting so much that I haven't missed a monthly meeting since. It's good to see men that are committed to something other than the things that the world says is important. There is great satisfaction in seeing people that have make a commitment to GOD while the world tugs at their tImetables. We are all watched by someone to see if our actions follow our words. It is no wonder that there are so many activities to fill our days, satan provides many things to get in the way. Things to choose as more important. Things we would rather be doing. The great thing is that I can do both, the boys can be set up an the hour or two, then I'll be at mens group, it won't make any difference in the enjoyment of my time in the woods. These days watching the boys excitement is as much fun as doing it myself. There's always a choice to be made in our lives, we don't always make the best decisions, but we cannot fail by choosing GOD. When life has a choice for you, look toward what the HEAVENS offer, above the choice of this world. GOD bless you.
December 4 As bow season is drawing to a close, I am so thankful that GOD has blessed me with the opportunities to help others while enjoying HIS great outdoors. Our lives are a record of what we believe as truth and GOD has fulfilled a whole world of examples for us to cherish. I hope that my life would leave an example that is worthy of HIS approval. We each have left examples of what is from the dark within us, but how often is the likeness of GOD shown in our lives? Too often I have fallen short of HIS approval, yet HE shows me blessings that leave no doubt of HIS GRACE. From the deer in the field to a sunset that is beyond compare, to HIS SON nailed to the cross, it was all done for us. May we each see the Hand of GOD at work around us and then try to pass that love along to those around us. May GOD bless you.
December 3 When I got up yesterday, I found the ground white with snow. As I got around to go to the woods, I remembered what my uncle would say each time that snow blanketed the ground during deer season..."Well, the albinos will be safe." That reminds me of the BLOOD of CHRIST that covers those who believe. It covers in such a way that our sins of the past have been made invisible, unable to be seen or found, covered by the BLOOD that CHRIST OFFERED on the cross as our salvation from death. Those who have hardened their hearts and have followed the world, will be so obvious standing in a white background! The BLOOD of CHRIST, just as the snow, hides us, yet reveals others. Are you covered by forgiveness, or revealed by sin? ALL can come to the LORD and be forgiven and be made as white as snow. GOD bless you.
December 2 From the very moment GOD created the world and all that is within it, HE knew that some would seek HIM and some would harden their hearts and not believe. Our world is not in some chaotic state, but has been created with a purpose in mind, to ultimately bring GLORY to CHRIST. We are not a pawn in a chess game, CHRIST lives in you. Those who turn away from what they know is true, will loose the assurance of sharing HIS GLORY. We each have a part to play in the GLORY of GOD, we may not know what that part is untill our lives are nearly over or at a young age. But with belief comes conviction and with that the need to help others find their way. On earth we will not reach our full potential, our sinful nature is always tugging us back. But with CHRIST'S SPIRIT within us we want to do more, much more. HE has given HIS life that we may be saved, that salvation comes from our belief in HIM. Put your faith in GOD, do not let your heart be hard and turn away from what CHRIST has offered. May GOD give you grace and peace. GOD bless you.
December 1 As I was once again reading the 'Salemville mountain tales' that my uncle Eek had written about his youth, 'as he remembers them'. I am drawn back in time to my youth and can remember the names and places recorded in these tales. That makes them true enough to believe, yet enough 'tales', to wonder. After reading one of those stories one would wonder if it were true, it could be! My uncle Eek was a pastor all his life until retirement and then long after that. He remains the sole living member of a large family, the Bowsers. From the farm, they would climb the mountain to overlook the beautiful Morrisons Cove and from those trips while hunting and as children these stories came. I know that Eek would never lie, that's what makes the stories so unbelievably believable! With the knowledge of how satan tricked Eve into tasting the forbidden fruit, I can see how satan can deceive a world that has little or no faith. With just enough truth to make it believable and enough lie to make us want to try the sin offered. The only way to KNOW is by reading and knowing the TRUTH, that is the WORD of GOD. When comparing GOD'S WORD, to what satan offers, we will be able to sort the fact from the fiction. Ask for GOD'S help and back it with HIS WORD. May GOD bless and keep you safe from satans attacks, that may not seem real, but in fact are attempting to take your soul. Learn what is real and true from the Source of TRUTH, GOD.
November 30 Have you noticed the changes in the country since the election? The college revolts, the defacing of monuments have not been in the news. Replacing it are reports of gang actions and not those gangs that were comprised of citizens of this country. There has been a shift in reporting what is happening around us. One thing that I also noticed is the word GOD on tv screens. That has not happened for a long time. Yes, things are changing. Yet the battle between good and evil is not over. The serpent will again tempt some to wage war against GOD and defy the masses in an attempt to draw men away from right. It will not stop until the return of CHRIST. "Put on the armor of GOD" and be ready for the war that will surely rage, for satan will not rest. The masses again will be deceived, the fight again will take a different turn. Until the return of our SAVIOUR there is no rest. Put on the armor of GOD'S word, stand solid on the unshakable rock. Know who is the god of the world and who is the HEAVENLY KING.
November 29 As the weather becomes colder it is increasingly harder to get out of bed early and head toward the woods. As I get out and head south towards the Amish boy's home, I wonder if they will be up and wanting to go, or if the house will be dark. Our lives are a representation of how we feel. Sometimes we are on fire and others we are a dying coal. It is hard to remain a fire if we do not replenish the fuel of GOD'S WORD into the fire box within us. If we add no fuel the fire dies! Thats why it is important to read the WORD, we need to keep the fires kindled. Although it may be difficult to do, and we want to just 'go back to bed,' we need to forge toward the spirits call within us, above all, conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the GOOD NEWS about JESUS CHRIST. "May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation, the righteous character produced in your life by JESUS CHRIST." GOD bless you.
November 28 Today a nation gives thanks. Still, those in Asheville are living in tents, those who were skipped over for having the wrong political sign are living in collapsed ruins. The governmental aid has run out. It would be very hard to be thankful, it would be easy to be angry. The elected president and those he has appointed to special offices are threatened. Where is democracy? The only cure for the dissention is a tablespoon of GOD. The teachings that satan has been spreading are showing in the actions of those possessed by a spirt of confusion that only GOD can cure. We are to a day that we are to be thankful and if we cannot see the hand of GOD around us, we are serving the wrong god. In pain, sorrow, sickness we can be thankful that our Saviour has control of our lives and we are not lost to the one of deception. Be thankful that we are able to choose life or eternal death, it is not delt to us. Without CHRIST there would be no reconciliation for our sin. Thank GOD for the SON of GOD, the lamb of sacrifice, who came to give hope to a lost and dying world. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, GOD bless you.
November 27 Yesterday I was fortunate to fill my last buck tag. It was exciting right up to the point that I had drug the deer 25 yards and was out of breath! After getting the animal home I made a call to a family that had said they would like a deer if there was any extra. After cleaning, skinning and preparing the meat, they soon arrived to pick it up. As I loaded the last of it into the car the lady said, 'that will be our supper tonight.' It was then that I thought that we generally have it way to easy. We want one and go buy 2! We must like grief, because we watch the tv news that rarely has any Good News! We are sure the problem is not us, therefore it must be you. We are over come with greed, want what we don't need, seldom seek what we really need. And don't see the need around us or the pain of others. Thanksgiving will not be a time of joy for far too many, while others are watching football with their belts loosened. Remember those who have lost so much in storms or accidents and not only pray but do something to help. We have so much while others have no supper. GOD would have us share. This is no time for keeping it for ourselves. May GOD blesses those who bless others.
November 26 Yesterday didn't go exactly as planned. When I arrived at the Amish house it was dark, so I waited and in about 15 minutes a light appeared. Allen came out an explained that they had been visiting and had gotten home late. So they didn't want to hunt today. I decided to go back home and hunt my 'ol faithful' stand. After walking to the stand and getting sat, I discovered that I didn't have a important part of my bow, it was in my other pack that I was going to use in the park. So back to the car I went. After stitching packs I went to a blind that was closer to the vehicle. After getting set up the wind decided to become gail force and the hunt soon ended. Just like life our best laid plans often go aerie. Simply because we forgot the important part that we can't do without. Our whole life 'hunt' rests on having the most important part with us. Without GOD we can do nothing! All the parts are there to make everything go well except the most important part. Don't wait till you are to the end of life and then realize that the piece that makes it all work together was left behind. Make sure that the most essential part is at your side. GOD bless you.
November 25 Every time I read this portion of GOD'S WORD, I am filled with the pleasure of CHRIST'S work in the world and my life. "Once you were far away from GOD, but now you have been brought near to HIM through the BLOOD of CHRIST." I lived in a world without GOD and without hope, perhaps you did too, or still do. CHRIST fulfilled the burden to die for my sin and yours, leaving open the door that leads to eternal life. We are given the task to choose whether to enter that door or proceed on our way to everlasting torment. Satan would have us believe that there is NO hope, that we can never be saved, we are to go on and have no hope. Yet the opposite is true, we are welcome with open arms, when we only put our FAITH in JESUS CHRIST. No matter what we have ever done we are wiped clean by the BLOOD when we believe. Our spirit changes from lost to found, and purpose reenters. "Once we were lost, but now we are found." The ONLY thing keeping us away from GOD is our own foolish will. Let go of the power that holds us back from the GLORY we were created to become. GOD will have mercy on our souls, HE will bless us.
November 24 Many have heard of the fruits that the SPIRIT provide to those who follow the LORD. But the passage just before that tells of the fruit that will grow when following the things of the world. See if you notice any of these traits around you today. "When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear, sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasurer, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties. And other sins like these." It is plain to see these fruits in our world today, not on occasion, but daily all around us. These words alone should cause us to reflect on the truth of GOD'S WORD and react. May we each make a choice to regain what GOD has inspired us to be. GOD bless you.
November 23 We are tested every day. And just as those thrown into prison and await their verdict, we await ours. However, Paul and Silus refused to be drawn into the darkness, they prayed and sang hymns to GOD. Please, even though you may be depressed, lift your heart up to CHRIST who did so much for all of us. Pray. Sing hymns, give thanks. For we have not had a horrible life, but one that has led us to eternal life. The wages have been paid. The reward to those who yet believe! CHRIST sweat was great drops of blood to rescue us from satans grasp, yet fulfilled the path ahead. We all will trod down a long road at some point in our lives. Making wrong choices as we go, but THANK GOD the result of that is eternal life for those who BELIEVE. When we look ahead and behind, where would we choose to be forever? Our GOD will allow everyone to make their own choices, but the saying 'as for me and my house we will follow the LORD' is a blessing that can be counted upon. For our parents did not see the GLORY we are in today. They worried about our salvation just as we worry about our children and grandchildren. But the promise lives, through faith! Sing hymns, rejoice that you are having eternal life and that the promise of GOD will open doors that may not seem possible. Your spirit will shine, your faith will grow, do not let the circumstances of this day blot out the certainty of tomorrow. GOD bless you.
November 22 A young Amish boy called me and asked if I could fix his bow. He had trouble with the arrow rest not working properly and had missed 3 shots in one evening. As I picked up the bow, I learned that it was 3 separate deer on the same evening! I would have been upset but he didn't seem at all upset. After looking at him, who was larger than me, I made a little adjustment of the activation cord and all was well. The kids are all growing so fast that it's hard to keep up with them in draw length and arrow length, and keeping the bows in tune with their size. It made me wonder if i am growing in GOD'S WORD as I should. Am I stuck with equipment that won't work properly because I have grown outside the way of GOD instead of with HIM. The way that I live is affected by the way I have grown in the LORD. We must watch that we don't become 'bigger than are britches' and have left the spiritual part of our lives unchanged. Help us to keep our growth, both in age and spirit accountable to GOD in a fashion that will not fail us when it matters. Keep in tune with GOD and you will be blessed.
November 21 As the cold wind blows, I am almost persuaded to go back to the warm bed. But I know that if I'm not in the woods I can't be blessed with a deer. The same is true with GOD, if we are far from HIM, we will fail to recognize the blessings HE gives. Only by being closer can we begin to see all the things given us by our HEAVENLY FATHER. Those who separate themselves from GOD choose to be away from HIS goodness, yet HE provides another opportunity for them to come to HIM. Never are we so far away that we cannot go to HIM. There is no divide so great that HE will not cross when we call. We just have to seek HIM. Look toward GOD, he is near if you only look. GOD bless you.
November 20 Have you ever watched a centipede walking across the ground and wondered what keeps it from tripping over its own many legs? Or wondered what a serpent looked like and how it walked, before GOD commanded that it slither on its belly? How can there be a full moon when the sun is on the other side of the world and just a sliver of a moon when the sun and moon are both visible? How can GOD change a sinner into righteous, yet we cannot forget the slightest thing HE did against us? While GOD has offered everything to us, we choose sin over the LORD? Why do we trade glory for dirt? So many
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