March 9 "The HOLY SPIRIT has been given to ALL believers to deepen their spiritual walk AND to enable them to make an impact upon their world for JESUS ." We all make a impact on those around us and ultimately the world we live In. It may be big or small but there is a shockwave that will ripple through time. The smallest wave will still be seen and the larger still felt. Silence will allow darkness to overcome, the WORD is the LIGHT. Just as the daylight comes and goes on different time measurements. However the effect of that LIGHT remains the same. We stumble in the darkness, but the LIGHT allows us to clearly see where we are going. There is no need for darkness to cover us any more. LORD open our eyes to the LIGHT of your SALVATION and clear the path ahead that we will not stumble. GOD bless you.
March 8 "YOU have shown me the way of life and YOU will fill me with the JOY of YOUR PRESENCE." It hasn't been so long ago that I have forgotten the way I was. Those times were filled with emptiness that could not be filled. There were times that I wish I could change and those that will remain with me forever. But none had the completeness that filled my soul with JOY until allowing CHRIST to enter. Looking back I see heartache and desperation to find what was lacking. The part that couldn't be filled until the positive reality of CHRIST was in my life. We can't go back and change anything, but we can change the future. Our future can bring life or death, emptiness or fulfilment, sadness or joy. Don't be robbed of the eternal joy, for what this world offers, it is only temporary, CHRIST is ETERNAL. May GOD bless you.
March 7 As I read these words "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me." I recalled the past when the things of this world controlled my thoughts and actions. The WORD of GOD, although real, was only an interruption of what I wanted to do. But when CHRIST became real to me and I began to truly believe, then HE became visible. Those 'mysterious' or 'coincidences' were no longer just happening, but were the HAND of GOD in action. The suffering that CHRIST had done became a pressure and a relief. Those nails were driven into HIS hands and feet were driven by me! I had shouted 'crucify him' as I lived in sin. Thank GOD that HE became more than a story. More than a myth. When you believe you see HIM all around you. The days of unbelief are behind us. We have witnessed HIS appearance in our lives, how can we turn away? Look at those things that reek of HIS presence and turn to GOD. HE will bless you.
March 6 After yesterday's message, I felt bad. There is always a gloomy side to what is going to happen to the people of this world, which is the largest percentage. However, the world is not left without hope or a chance to redeem themselves. It is the way that we all have available, a choice we all can turn to. For these WORDS follow the sentence of unbelief, "But if you stop your sinning and begin obeying the LORD your GOD, HE will cancel all the punishment HE has announced against you." It is never to late to return to the MAKER. It begins with the choice to do what HE COMMANDS or be lost for eternity. May GOD open our eyes and give the courage to fight against what is wrong and turn to HIM alone. May GOD be with you.
March 5 The BIBLE tells us JESUS said, "The worlds sin is that it refuses to believe in me." "Judgement will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged." When satan was cast out, away from GOD, his only concern was to build 'his own' empire. And to that end, he has been working throughout time. He fails to understand and will not inform his followers of the certain doom awaiting him and those with him. For his judgement has been cast! Today we hear many people say, that they BELIEVE in GOD, as they invite you to buy their whiskey or join their club. If you believe in GOD, like I do, they say. I don't know their life or soul, but I know that I am not to BELIEVE in GOD in a half-hearted manner! The worlds sin is not believing past the words from it's tongue, what is present in the heart is overflowed by the tongue. All too often the truth is hidden, all to often the world is grasping at straws, without reading the BOOK that explains the rules. We cannot play correctly, if we do not read the rules. Let us not makeup the rules as we go, we will find ourselves playing a game that we cannot complete. May GOD help us realize that our future begins today. Put the past behind and move forward in the FAITH that will save. Not in half-hearted fashion or as the world may dictate but as the WORD tells us. GOD bless you.
March 4 When I was young, we used to fish at a place we called hobby hole. I would ride my bike or walk along the creek while fishing to get there. I would produce trout, suckers and other small fish that were fun to catch. A few years ago I was visiting the area and stopped to see the beloved hobby hole. It was still visited by the local fisherman as evident by the tracks. And although it looked exactly as I remembered, it was much smaller! The mighty cast that we made years ago was only a few yards! Those memories are forever etched within me, but today others have flooded in as well. Today the GLORY of GOD dwarfs the things of this world. HIS power is found in everything we see, touch, smell or witness. Even when the things we cherish as children become small in reality, GOD'S salvation looms larger. HE is preparing a place for those who believe in HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, a place that will never become small or of less value. Now we can look forward to our visit to the "hobby hole" of HEAVEN. A spot that is and will remain forever, a treasure given to us by GOD. Thank GOD for the memories of the past and the certainty of the future. GOD be with you.
March 3 Sometimes we may feel like the cure is worse than the illness. I know several cancer survivors that would tell you that the cemo is not a fun thing to do! The BIBLE gives us the antidote for our foolishness while here on earth. Only if we return to trusting GOD will we be allowed to continue. We are to influence others, not let them influence us! They fight against us like a army, but they will NOT conquer those who trust in the LORD. We may feel defeated, tired or lonely. Lost in this world of pain and despair. But those who TRUST and have FAITH in GOD know that these days are only temporary. Our goal is to look forward, looking toward the day of CHRIST'S return. When everything will be created anew. We will be reborn into a new world, a kingdom made for us by the HIGHEST owner. While life here continues to grow worse, the world ahead is but a breathe away. GOD bless and reward you with the strength to show others the way HOME.
March 2 "But despite all the miraculous signs JESUS had done, most of the people still did not believe in HIM." Just as the prophet Isiah had written, JESUS was left by unbelief, that same unbelief is present today! Despite the signs and despite the cures and answered prayers most people don't believe. They ask for sighs immediately after the miracles! The eyes are closed to the breath amd heartbeat taking place within their own bodies, as if we alone could add one more hour beyond our allotted time. Just as in the days of the disciples the unbelief runs rampant and FAITH is controlled within. Our existence is hinged on the willingness to do as GOD asks and we ask for a sign?!? LORD, give us the FAITH of the 11 that spoke your words after you had returned home. Build, even greater, the TRUST and FAITH of YOUR WORDS within our body, that the overflow would show the world the 'sign' that gives GLORY to GOD. May the 'signs' that others look for be ever present in our lives. GOD bless you.
March 1 On the first Saturday of each month, there is a mens meeting at a local Church. They serve a breakfast and then have a story or someone shares what they have witnessed. It is something that i have enjoyed attending for years. I'm not shy about inviting other men to join us and a few have. Some have even become regulars. But most don't come or come once. That's the way the world in general works. There is no room for GOD until we are in trouble, beyond our own limits, then we turn to GOD for refuge. After the drama has passed its back to the old life style. I wonder what our defense will be when we stand before GOD? Each day we are at a point of trial, our association with GOD is tested. When the strain of life's trials begins to overtake us. We should realize that our need for GOD should be exercised every day. Often just a hour will help us through a whole week. Don't put off GOD till your desperate, HE is near every moment. GOD bless you.
February 28 John 9 tells the story of a man born blind and how JESUS restored his sight. When confronted by the religious leaders, the man confessed that all he knew was, "That once I was blind, but now I can see.' The god of this world is not, the GOD of creation. He lusks around and tricks us into doing our own will, not GOD'S. We go along with those tricks, after all its new and exciting. Then we are trapped, away from GOD and in the snare of the trap. Blind to the things ahead of us. We have all been blind, blind from birth. We wander around grasping onto anything except the WORD of GOD, until the moment the mud is washed away from our eyes. Then we can begin to see and everything is not the cloudy caos that it once was, it is now beautiful. For once I was blind but now I can see. May we help, go to open the eyes of the blind. May GOD bless you. May our eyes be open, our minds be cleared and our heart be turned to GOD. May we each say, "I once was blind but now I can see."
February 27 Have you ever woken up in the midst of sleeping and looked at the clock? Often when I do the numbers are aligned to things that I have known or learned throughout my life. Often a series of numbers will remind me of tv shows, rifle calibers, days, dates or things I have read. It's often that I would chuckle to myself when I i see a group of numbers. But there are 2 sets of numbers that give me serious thought. One can be seen on our clocks '333' and the other cannot '666'. One is a descriptive direction of good, the other the given for evil. It is no coincidence that one is visible and the other hidden. Lurking in the darkness, ready to be upon us when our guard is down. We need to know what these numbers represent and be aware of there reference. The next time that you see the numbers '333' remember and contemplate what GOD has done for us through HIS SON. And also remember that satan, who is lurking nearby can attack the moment we let our guard down. Those numbers are another way to keep us in tune with GOD. We must be aware the enemy remains ready, that awareness can also show us the many BLESSINGS we have received. GOD bless you.
February 26 "We are the ones who strayed away like sheep. We who left GOD'S paths to follow our own. Yet GOD laid on JESUS the guilt and shame of every one of us." And what is this? Why are the people enslaved again and oppressed without excuse? Failing to believe. While the leaders shout and blaspheme the LORD, to the people they swore they were serving! JESUS' said, "This is the only work GOD wants from you. BELIEVE in the one HE has sent." Only one thing we are required to do, yet who follows? We have become so corrupt, that we fail to see the ONE that will deliver, the ONE of TRUTH and FAITHFULNESS. Whoever we are, whatever we think we are, our only mandate is to BELIEVE in the LORD. Our other goals cannot be placed in front of that one rule. May GOD bless you.
February 25 There used to be a tv show where the kung fu man went around doing good and rescuing people from danger. During his training he was told that before he could graduate he had to snatch a pebble from the masters hand. After years of training he finally became faster than the master and graduated out into the world. The BIBLE asks, "Who can snatch the prey from the hands of a mighty man? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go? But the LORD says, Even the captives of the most mighty and most terrible shall all be freed, for I will fight those who fight you." We don't have to be the fastest, the smartest, the best looking, the best warrior, we just need FAITH. For GOD will provide what we need, when it is needed. Thankfully we don't have to 'snatch a pebble from HIS hand' before we are granted HIS salvation and HIS GRACE and POWER. GOD bless you.
February 24 Never have there been such a response to "Having your head examined." Many have been the recipients and only the 'favorites' have escaped those words being directed toward them personally. It would appear that those under 40 have not been exposed to such a witty declaration of verbage, so any resurrection of such a verbal attack should not be directed toward me, but toward our fathers generation and toward its origin in Isaiah, 41:24. "Darkness is a consuming thing, but when light enters the darkness is replaced by the light." The trick to keeping the fire going is to add more wood. To keep GOD'S WORD going we need to add more people to the convection of the SPIRIT of GOD. Through the darkness the light spreads and overcomes. We each need to add fuel to the fire. Will you do a part to keep the fire burning? For in GOD'S WORD there is a LIGHT that will never go out. GOD bless you.
February 23 I can remember my father saying, "You need your head examined." Every time I did something stupid, that's what I would hear. But through life it proved, that at times, those words also applied to him as well. I doubt that there is anyone that doesn't need a change of thought from time to time. GOD asks, "Can idols tell you what has happened in the past or tell the future?" "Can your gods tell you what is happening in the days ahead or do a mighty miracle, that makes us stand amazed? But no, they are less than nothing, and can do nothing at all." Anyone who chooses to believe in these gods, needs to have "their head examined!" Even though we all become sidetracked or lose our way, there is always a clear road home when we examine our travels and turn towards our HEAVENLY FATHER. May GOD'S LIGHT be a beacon to the world and reflect through us. GOD bless you.
February 22 Anyone that has accepted GOD'S promise and asked forgiveness, believing that they are forgiven, are. The GOD over all mankind, has witnessed the miracle of GOD within themselves. "There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent. You are witnesses of all these things." From physical healing to the spiritual transformation of humans, we have seen it happen. Yet many, far to many, have let the GLORY of GOD pass by, without a hint of remorse. GOD has shown each the miracles of HIS reality, yet they let it pass. Those who know HIM as SAVIOUR are a witness, to the GLORY within. How can we remain silent? Even if men should consider us crazy, we owe a debt to great, to not speak out. Today, we will each, have the opportunity to give witness to what has happened to ourselves. Let the world know that HE alone is in charge and HE has changed us. GOD bless you.
February 21 As the day went on I knew I had to get around and wish my sister a happy birthday. So around noon I stopped everything and texted her. I have had her birthday on my mind as she and my father were 2 days apart. After thinking I had done well, at not forgetting, I recieved back a text that said thanks, but it was last month! No wonder she thinks I don't like her. I must have slept through January and woke up in February! When we don't do something 'right away' it is soon forgotten. That's why when GOD is speaking to our heart, it is important to act on it ASAP, lest we forget. We as humans tend to want to do what is wrong. But even when we are lost and not reacting, GOD has not abandoned us. HE enters when we have repented, no matter when we call. We let so much pass us by, thinking we are in control, when in fact we are asleep at the wheel. Give GOD a call now while HE is on your mind. To put it off even a moment may be to late. May GOD bless you.
February 20 The kingdom of GOD is among us. HE is available at the blink of a eye. From near or far away, HE hears our cry, our needs, our souls search fo TRUTH. HIS return will be sudden, not looked for by the world in general. But the signs have been written, laid out for all to read and digest. "In the same way, when you see all these things taking place, you can know that the KINGDOM of GOD is near." "So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your SALVATION is near." Those who refuse to believe will be cast away and burnt, while the harvest is gathered. HIS WORD is open for all who seek HIM will find. May we each turn to GOD for the SALVATION HE holds for those who will come to HIM. GOD bless you.
February 19 Like the men who were given the kings money to invest while he was gone, every believer has a equal opportunity and responsibility to invest their lives in GOD'S KINGDOM. GOD isn't asking you to work FOR HIM so much as HE is asking to work through YOU. Every time we talk is an opportunity to extend GOD'S WORD or represent the devil. There is NO other concern. We as humans stand for one or the other. Our speech and actions display what we are inside of us. There is no hiding it! Excusing our speech does not erase the darkness within. We can change if we want to. GOD has never failed us. As my sister would say, GOD never says "oops" or "I didn't see that coming" or "I didn't expect that." Our destiny is controlled by our own actions. Our talk convinces others of a path that they can travel, but there is only one path to HEAVEN. The WORD of GOD shows the way, giving us the wealth to invest. Don't bury it in the ground. GOD bless you.
February 18 Some 7 or 8 years ago this message began. Some of you are still a part of it in a very big way. Through those years it has been forwarded or posted in many Church websites. If you have been a part of the growth, that's great! Today we are growing GOD'S WORD in many countries and to many people. But the important thing is not to spread these words, but for you to spread the WORD to those around you! We are all different in many ways and we each have a different group that we join with. It is through us, that the SALVATION message spreads and is reinforced. In the last few years we have grown to over 100,000. Just think of the opportunities in the world that is ripe for harvest, as it is today. With our help in spreading the WORD, who knows when HIS KINGDOM will rise above the shadows of darkness. You are a light that can be the beacon that saves the world. May GOD bless all who help in the spreading of HIS GOOD and FAITHFUL news.
February 17 Have you ever woken up in the night and were so thirsty, that you got out of bed to get a drink of water? It happens to me a lot. Nearly every time that I feel that cool water touch my mouth, I think of the story of Lazarus and the rIch man. When the rich man wanted Lazarus to just dip his finger in water to cool his tongue! It takes more than a touch for me, but the dryness I feel is NOT the torments of hell! Some people say, "I want to go to hell. All my friends will be there." And that may be true, but hell is not a party. Even the rich man was begging Lazarus for a drop of water! The situation will be alarming, friends will be in torment, hell is a reality! We have available the WORDS of GOD that tells of HEAVEN and hell, we don't need to heed those tabloid stories of deathly experiences of others.our acceptance or rejection of GOD'S WORD determines where we will spend our eternity. We are given the choice here on earth to make our eternal decision. Our choice will be eternal. May GOD bless you.
February 16 A man plants a fig tree in his garden and came again and again to see if there was any fruit on it, but he was always disappointed. Finally he said to the gardener, I've waited 3 years, and there hasn't been a single fig! Cut it down. It's taking up space in the garden. The gardener answered, sir give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I will give it special care and fertilizer. If then we get figs fine. If not, then you can cut it down... Have our lives been fruitless? Have we been given special care and still not produced the fruit we were made to produce? When we are judged, what excuse can we offer to save our soul? May we each look toward to what we are supposed to produce and work toward to doing it. Our last chance may be upon us. Will GOD be disappointed in the way we have been producing?
February 15 "It is a wonderful thing to be alive! If a person lives to be old, let them rejoice in every day of life, but also remember that eternity is far longer. Young people, it is wonderful to be young. Enjoy every minute, but realize that you must account to GOD for everything you did. Remember the Creator while you are young, before the silver clouds have passed. Fear GOD and obey HIM. For GOD will judge us for everything we do. Including every hidden thing, good or bad." HE will forgive, if we come to HIM. Our dust is the proof of our existence. Our FAITH, the balance of our TRUST in GOD, will remain with HIM. GOD bless you.
February 14 Yesterday when I was plowing the new snow from the driveway and road, I saw deer tracks all over the front yard. It looked like over 20 had fed through the yard and down the hill into the woods and then north past one of my favorite stands. I like that stand because it's close to the house and it can be used whenever I need to at home early or get home late. It is always a faithful stand and quite productive. Just like that stand, it is good to have GOD near. Always FAITHFUL and PRODUCTIVE, HE is there when we need HIM most. Not far away or difficult to reach, but ready to greet us when we arrive. Producing with bounty, giving guidance and security HE remains, TRUSTWORTHY and a a FRIEND. The tracks show all the BLESSINGS that await our time with GOD. Find your 'stand' where you and GOD meet, and enjoy the times you spend with HIM. GOD bless you.
February 13 Before the snow fell and the cold temperatures had completely arrived the schools had cancelled classes. When I was in school that would have been music to my ears. But the only problem is, they will have days added to make them up! That, in my opinion, sucks. Why not go to school on the bad days and have off on the good? We all know that it doesn't work that way. We can't have it go our way every day. Soon the price has to be paid. When we live outside of CHRIST we will pay a great price. Those living with CHRIST will enjoy the extra time with HIM. We each learn, but often at different rates. The important thing is that we grow in GOD'S family and NOT the world. At the end of our time the price will have to be paid, just like the school time, it will not be forgotten. Look to GOD as the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIGHT. No one comes to the FATHER without the SON. May our lives be proof that we have learned GOD'S lessons.
February 12 Each day the reports of waste and fraudulent payments come to view. And yet some defend the waste? It is true that most of these agencies began doing good and then ran off course. Just as Solomon' son divided Israel. The nation was divided, despite the wisest man leaving advise to his son. A verse reads, "When dross is removed from silver it becomes sterling, ready for the silver smith. When you remove the corrupt men from the kings court, his reign will be just and fair." The more attention I pay to the news, the more evil is exposed. That reminds us that for evil to take over, all it takes is a good man to remain silent. Perhaps we have all remained silent for to long. "For GOD, who knows all hearts, knows yours and HE knows you well! And HE will reward everyone according to his deeds." May we each stand in HIS presence and do as HE would do. GOD bless you.
February 11 Perhaps I read this verse a few days to late. "We toss the coin, but it is the LORD who controls its decision." At nearly every contest where it is important to have a equal opportunity for each contestant there is a coin toss. There is no way that man can predict what will be revealed with total certainty. But GOD knows each time! With the 'odds' stacked totally in HIS favor, who can change HIS WILL? Can A.I. calculate the out come perfectly? When we wonder, GOD knows. What we struggle to establish, GOD has completed. Why would we place our lives in our own hands? Why place our soul at the mercy of our own judgement? There is a certainty to believe in, our lives are not governed by the flip of mans opinion, but by GOD'S MERCY to those who TRUST in HIM. The outcome is not granted by the toss of a coin, but by what we do during our time. GOD bless you.
February 10 As the years go by and we become a part of the older generation, I notice 2 distinct things. The first is that we, at least I, cannot deal very well with the new technology that comes so simple with my children and grandkids. The second is that we seem to be attending a lot more funerals than we used to. Now as to the technology I feel like it has made people dumber than smarter. Learning to control a phone to make change seems redundant to me. As to the second. We will all come to the end of our time on this earth. So many are afraid of death and some welcome it. I am rewarded by a passage from Proverbs, "The path of the godly leads to life, so why fear death? We have all failed at being perfect in this life, but we each have the opportunity to accept the gift of LIFE by accepting the SON of GOD." The age old story can even be found through the use of the technologic devises around us today. It is the endless GLORY of a GOD who delivers what HE promises. May GOD enrich your SPIRIT with HIS TRUTH.
February 9 Today medicine has evolved far beyond what was ever dreamed of even 20 years ago. Many are cured of things, that were a certain death, just a few years ago. Some that have died have been revived. But above all the medical advances when a tragedy strikes, humans turn to GOD in prayer. Despite all the advances in medicine, we turn to GOD! It is within us to trust GOD. Despite the many sayings to trust and follow the science, we turn to GOD. Why, when the crisis is over we forget the HEALER? I am drawn to these words, "Jesus answered them, Healthy people don't need a doctor, sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." We have all sinned, we have all fallen short. It is only the GREAT PHYSICIAN that can heal us. Turn to HIM to heal us. We are nothing without GOD.
February 8 Knowing that JESUS is The SON of GOD, satan tempted him. At JESUS' reply satan quoted verses from GOD'S HOLY WORD, because he knew it and GOD'S WORD was real to him, but satan chose to disobey and follow his own path. Satan showed JESUS all the kingdoms of the world 'in a moment in time' because they were his...However that moment can be changed, by FAITH and that change is occuring now and it is occuring here! "When the devil had finished tempting JESUS, he left HIM until the next opportunity came." Temptation happens every day, our FAITH retains the power to overcome. Today we have the chance to conquer or be subdued, let us each stand strong and overcome the temptations of this world and turn it into the world, as GOD has intended. It is wide open to receive the powers of GOD through our FAITH and ACTIONS. Make today a day of GOD'S blessing. Make this moment in time belong to GOD.
February 7 Water, muscle and bone, all placed together into a moving, thinking, functioning body. How could we ever begin to think we were a evolution from a spineless ameba or became man from a monkey? While a monkey remains, well, a monkey. Are we so special that we alone evolved, yet others of our species did not? No, we are created in the image of GOD! Made as HIS companion we left HIM for whatever would be our fancy, then turn back when we are in trouble. Seeking HIS comfort, grace and forgiveness. We need more than an animal, we need more than water, shelter and food. Our souls require more, but only with GOD do we gain that comfort. Our short term thoughts lead us away from our MAKER, our long term thoughts, without HIM, are useless. Our sights must be fixed on CHRIST or we miss the target. From ameba to man, all created by GOD to give HIM PRAISE. GOD bless you.
February 6 In spite of the evidence, GOD'S WORD must be accepted by FAITH. You as an individual, must come to recognize that the WORDS of the LORD are perfect, trustworthy, and right. Psalms 19:7-11 Your belief in and practice of the TRUTH found in the BIBLE, GOD'S message to us, will make the most profound impact on your life for now and eternity. Our hearts speak to us to do what is GOD'S will, we harden our hearts against HIM when we deny what we know is the right thing to do. HE has given each of us a warning and a direction. To fail to turn and follow HIM results in our demise forever. Turn toward the WORD of GOD and receive the blessings that HE alone can offer. HE gives healing, brings back from the brink of death, giving another opportunity to serve. Do not harden the heart any longer, allow GOD to enter. May HIS GRACE, MERCY and PEACE be with you.
February 5 "But with the help of GOD we shall do mighty acts of valor." When we are unafraid we shall conquer, when we cower we will be conquered. The WORD tells us to spread the WORD to the very ends of the earth, yet we can barely talk to our friends and family. Being meek doesn't mean cowering in a corner! There are those who will listen and those who will not, that is their choice. We do not have a choice. Being saved injects the WILL of GOD into our blood stream, we must do as HE commands. Our life becomes not our own, but HIS to direct. We are all led by a power greater than ourselves. The good and evil battle for control. KNOW that you are greater than the darkness. Rejoice in the LIGHT. You have done nothing so terrible that GOD will not forgive when you come to HIM. May HIS love and mercy be with you. GOD bless you.
February 4 As I finished reading the WORD of GOD this morning, the morning was just breaking through the darkness. The light made the trees appear from the dark. Then the ground and everything became clear. Out of the darkness of night a new day appears. Just like a new day our nation awakes from darkness. The roaches run from the light as the light once again breaks the hold of darkness. GOD has begun anew! The light has begun to break the power of darkness. We can see the forms appearing again as the WORD is heard more openly, a new day has begun. We cannot lay down our guard and allow the enemy of light to overcome! We each have a role, we dare not neglect our part. When we neglect our part the darkness regains a hold. As the children of LIGHT, stand firm on GOD'S WORD and help lead. Long too silent has our voices been. Long to disobedient our bodies have reacted. STAND FIRM in the LIGHT of our SAVIOUR. Allow GOD to once again BLESS "ONE nation under GOD."
February 3 "No man can live forever. All will die. Who can rescue his life from the power of the grave?" Our time on earth is numbered, no one goes beyond their appointed time. GOD has written and spoken our days. We cannot simply say that we know there is a GOD! We were not made to just survive a few days, then return to dust. Our being is to acknowledge the KING of KINGS and obey HIS commands. Will the rebel be rewarded for their arrogance? The LORD requires more than our false words of faithfulness. HE knows our heart, HE knows our way. HE rewards those who are faithful and casts away those who are not. Those who put their trust in the words "I believe there is a GOD," will be judged by the GOD of Abraham. To follow, we must change our heart and mind toward who our GOD is and follow that which is not a idol that cannot see or walk or answer when you call. Our choice now remains for ETERNITY. Will the GOD we chose be the GOD of ETERNITY.
February 2 I once read a article that said, the best bow in the world cannot shoot a crooked stick straight. But a crooked bow will shoot a straight stick the same each time. The article was detailing the importance of straight arrows. As a bow hunter we often would say, if you put a wood arrow and a aluminum arrow in the corner which would be straight after a year? Now days carbon arrows have nearly taken over the archery world. The BIBLE says, "Like a crooked arrow, they miss the target of GOD'S will." Men like a wooden arrow cannot stand idle in the corner, they will just warp to the worlds pressures. Aluminum is inherently straight, but if it has become bent it is very difficult to straighten again. Carbon is strong and will regain its form when bent. Like arrows we cannot stand idle by, we must be strong in the LORD. Ready to hit the mark of HIS teaching. Being ready to fly true when sent by HIS bow. We are no different than a stick. Some used to hit a target for GOD, others to be burnt in the fire, unworthy of being saved. Make sure that you are worthy of being in GOD'S quiver. GOD bless you.
February 1 Can any statement show strength, humility, power and submission all at one time? Consider this statement, "I will be the strength of the LORD GOD." It would take a commitment, a strength to obey and a willful direction of the heart. To stand on those words will lead to the people of this world to mock and make fun of you. To criticize even the WORD of GOD to humiliate and belittle. Who can stand along side CHRIST and suffer for such a statement? Yet what greater commitment is there to stand for? While the things of our world change and disappear, the WORD of GOD remains. What better statement could our lives be committed too than walking in the strength of the LORD? When life is at its conclusion, will anything other than these words matter? May GOD bless you.
January 31 GOD himself, from everlasting to ages past, has healed those we love, has come when we have called upon HIM, has been at our side when we cry out. Yet when HE calls on our heart to do HIS WILL, we return HIS favors by doing what we want! Psalms 53 begins with, "Only a fool would say to himself, there is no GOD." Yet when we turn our back on the ONE who has done so much for us and offers eternity, we turn our back until the next time we need HIM. Why should HE even answer or help such a 'friend' as that? Who are we in comparison to GOD? Should we give a small portion of our life to HIM? Like dropping a dollar bill into the offering plate every now and then, to show our thanks. HE has so much to offer, the storehouses of HEAVEN are rich with gifts that HE gives to those who please HIM. Open our hearts to accept the TRUTH of what is really important in life. To know AND follow GOD. HIS BLESSINGS are beyond our control, they belong to those HE loves. GOD bless you.
January 30 I had been asleep for 4 hrs when my wife woke me and said, "There's something going on outside." As I jumped up I noticed flashlights. When I turned the porch light on I could tell they were from the sheriff department. Then as I opened the door the alarm went off! What a weird event. The alarm wasn't triggered until I opened the door and the sheriff was at the door! Fortunately for us, GOD'S WORD is more reliable than our alarm system. HE is always there, never confused and always our protector. "I do not have to trust my own weapons.They would not protect me. Only GOD can give us the victory." It is nice to know that when all the devices fail, GOD does not. Let us proclaim the loving kindness of our GOD. When we pray, HE answers, shouldn't we acknowledge his presence and welcome HIM into our home? May GOD bless you and may HIS protection be recognized in your daily life.
January 29 The repair man for ADT came for the 2nd time yesterday. The 1st time he was here he walked up to the door with so many boxes that he resembled Santa Clause! Then he asked me why I was installing all that equipment. As I held up my phone he laughed and said none of this will work with that phone, you just need a transmitter! So when he was here the 2nd time one of the parts would not 'talk to the other' so tomorrow he will return with a new part to fix that situation. I'm hoping that the old adage 'the third time is a charm' applies! However, the whole ordeal made me think that in life, so many problems would be avoided if we just talked to each other. When we talk then we begin to understand. Without understanding we make mental barriers that can become to great to hurtle. Each day teaches us lessons that GOD wants us to absorb. We just need to be aware that even when things go wrong there is a lesson to be learned. GOD bless you.
January 28 There are those who ask, why do you spent so much time and money trying different hunting equipment? My reply is quite simple, I want as quickly and humanely harvest an animal as possible. One part of our equipment should be paired with all the others to work together. One part working its best cannot make a poor part perform any better. If we combine to many poor pieces the result would be unethical. In our own lives we must put together the best we have. The best is from GOD. If we pair it with the world, then the efforts are compromised. The more of the bad we compile the worse our chances of a harvest. We cannot combine the bad and expect good results. Help us to perfect our draw, chose the best arrows to fly straight and hone our FAITH to a knifes edge. Then we are ready to pursue a harvest. May GOD'S love and mercy be seen in us. GOD bless you.
January 27 With hunting season over, I look back on what was good and what I should have done. What equipment needs improved or new implement. I tested arrows and made a small change. Broadheads will remain the same in the future. Muzzleloader will remain at the high level it has become. As I look inward, I find that I too need to be evaluated and changed to better serve GOD. Some things need improved and for now some will remain as they are. As I look back over my seasons I do see a improvement. The wonders of GOD'S love have changed my life beyond measure, but perfection remains out of reach. Yet the search for that extra benefit remains a priority. May GOD bless as HE tests our lives as HIS trusty equipment to bring in a new harvest. Our lives are HIS equipment, don't allow them to become useless and broken, unfit for the vigers of the hunt. May the LORD open HIS storehouses and present the perfect items to perfect your life and make you a better hunter or fisher of men. GOD bless you.
January 26 When Jesus was crucified, "The people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. Look at you now! They yelled at HIM. You said you were going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days. Well then, if you are the SON of GOD, save yourself and come down from the cross." How often today do we mock JESUS and ask for a sign? Failing to believe and mocking the cross? JESUS did exactly what HE said. We often fail to believe all that JESUS said. We want to trade those things for the pleasures this world offers. CHRIST did,on that cross, fulfill HIS promise to the world. HIS suffering was not made easy, but was as terrible as it sounds. HE had to complete his mission so that we could receive salvation. Today, watch how often satan tries to mock CHRIST, through or around you. Trying to present lies that you would believe and alter our faith. We must stand on the WORD of GOD and believe what is true and not be led by thoughts that are untrue. Stand by the cross, knowing what is true and believing what we know within us. For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whomever believeth in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life. GOD bless you as we are attacked daily, TRUST in the ONE who died that we may be saved.January 26 When Jesus was crucified, "The people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. Look at you now! They yelled at HIM. You said you were going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days. Well then, if you are the SON of GOD, save yourself and come down from the cross." How often today do we mock JESUS and ask for a sign? Failing to believe and mocking the cross? JESUS did exactly what HE said. We often fail to believe all that JESUS said. We want to trade those things for the pleasures this world offers. CHRIST did,on that cross, fulfill HIS promise to the world. HIS suffering was not made easy, but was as terrible as it sounds. HE had to complete his mission so that we could receive salvation. Today, watch how often satan tries to mock CHRIST, through or around you. Trying to present lies that you would believe and alter our faith. We must stand on the WORD of GOD and believe what is true and not be led by thoughts that are untrue. Stand by the cross, knowing what is true and believing what we know within us. For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whomever believeth in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life. GOD bless you as we are attacked daily, TRUST in the ONE who died that we may be saved.
January 25 As we watch our government argue about everything that the other party wants to do, I compare that to the Amish. The other day it was minus 10 degrees and a group of Amish had planned to cut ice that day to fill ice houses in their community. At 6:30 they began. By 3:30 they had cut 7000' chunks that weighed 50 pounds each. And delivered them and filled each families ice house in their neighborhood and cleaned up! They did it, not because they had to but because the wanted to! When people want to do something it goes much better than if they just fight against it. Perhaps we all need to be a helper to our neighbor, not because we have to, but because we want to. CHRIST came as a servant to present eternal life, so that ALL may be saved by FAITH, we should serve to those around us as well. What could we do if we would just work together? GOD bless you.
January 24 "Will GOD listen to our cry when trouble comes upon us? For he (man) does not delight himself in the ALMIGHTY or pay any attention to GOD except in times of crisis." It takes a lot to be thankful for all we have, but as soon as disaster strikes everything is forgotten and we turn to GOD. Why do we, so often, think only of ourselves until our families are gone? To often we fail to thank GOD when times are good, but the moment things go wrong, who do we seek? In ALL things, we can see the hand of GOD, if we only look, we just need to look. Turn our thoughts toward the ONE who can make a difference. Seek the good in whatever happens. Thank GOD for even those things that stress our patience. HE is always there, not just when we need HIM the most. GOD bless you.
January 23 As we watch the flurry of executive orders being signed, it reminds me of the kings of Judah. A new king would take over the throne and the things he wanted to do,for the people, were implemented. The Godly Kings would throw out all the priests of those who didn't worship GOD and direct the kingdom toward the true HEAVENLY GOD. How we should be glad to see such things happening in our time! Our prayers need to be for both wisdom and safety. The enemy has been delt a blow. It is good to see those who have not given up, rise to the occasion. There will clearly be a fight ahead, but we need to pray for courage. Some may watch and be confused, some angry, we need to be joyful to see the hand of GOD at our side. May HIS GRACE continue to bless. In GOD we trust. May GOD'S blessing be with you.
January 22 Each time I read Job I am stricken with the great lose that satan struck him with. On the first day Job lost his animals, his wealth, many of his servants and his children. Each a great loss on there own but ALL at once! I have no idea how I would react to even one of these great losses, but Job's reply was simply, "I came naked from my mothers womb and I shall have nothing when I die. The LORD gave me everything I had and they were HIS to take away. BLESSED be the name of the LORD." With more interviews that I hear from those who lost so much in the fires in California, one thing rings true. We have lost everything, but it was only stuff, things! We are a nation of possessions, let us understand that the great life we enjoy comes from GOD. We don't have to loose it all to understand where it comes from. Thank HIM for what we still enjoy. GOD bless you.
January 21 I remember one time that the weather was 20 below as I walked way back into the woods hunting. The wind began to blow and when I got to the place I was goIng to hunt I couldn't feel my fingers. After 5 minutes I thought, I was the stupidest man alive. I
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