January 24 "Will GOD listen to our cry when trouble comes upon us? For he (man) does not delight himself in the ALMIGHTY or pay any attention to GOD except in times of crisis." It takes a lot to be thankful for all we have, but as soon as disaster strikes everything is forgotten and we turn to GOD. Why do we, so often, think only of ourselves until our families are gone? To often we fail to thank GOD when times are good, but the moment things go wrong, who do we seek? In ALL things, we can see the hand of GOD, if we only look, we just need to look. Turn our thoughts toward the ONE who can make a difference. Seek the good in whatever happens. Thank GOD for even those things that stress our patience. HE is always there, not just when we need HIM the most. GOD bless you.
January 23 As we watch the flurry of executive orders being signed, it reminds me of the kings of Judah. A new king would take over the throne and the things he wanted to do,for the people, were implemented. The Godly Kings would throw out all the priests of those who didn't worship GOD and direct the kingdom toward the true HEAVENLY GOD. How we should be glad to see such things happening in our time! Our prayers need to be for both wisdom and safety. The enemy has been delt a blow. It is good to see those who have not given up, rise to the occasion. There will clearly be a fight ahead, but we need to pray for courage. Some may watch and be confused, some angry, we need to be joyful to see the hand of GOD at our side. May HIS GRACE continue to bless. In GOD we trust. May GOD'S blessing be with you.
January 22 Each time I read Job I am stricken with the great lose that satan struck him with. On the first day Job lost his animals, his wealth, many of his servants and his children. Each a great loss on there own but ALL at once! I have no idea how I would react to even one of these great losses, but Job's reply was simply, "I came naked from my mothers womb and I shall have nothing when I die. The LORD gave me everything I had and they were HIS to take away. BLESSED be the name of the LORD." With more interviews that I hear from those who lost so much in the fires in California, one thing rings true. We have lost everything, but it was only stuff, things! We are a nation of possessions, let us understand that the great life we enjoy comes from GOD. We don't have to loose it all to understand where it comes from. Thank HIM for what we still enjoy. GOD bless you.
January 21 I remember one time that the weather was 20 below as I walked way back into the woods hunting. The wind began to blow and when I got to the place I was goIng to hunt I couldn't feel my fingers. After 5 minutes I thought, I was the stupidest man alive. I didn't think that I would make it home that day. Today it would appear to be nearly a repeat of that weather, but I am not going out into the woods. I wondered how the animals can survive such days? But GOD has clothed them with a coat that withstands horrible conditions and a sense of where to be that is survivable. Something that I lacked that day. Sometimes we think we know it all, when infact we are clueless. The only way that we survive, is through the MERCY of GOD. The world would consume each one of us if it were not for the MERCY of GOD. As I was going home that day in the cold, with snow blowing into my eyes, I thought of the words, "Humanly speaking it is impossible. But with GOD everything is possible." No matter what the forces against us, with GOD ALL things are possible. GOD bless you.
January 20 Yesterday at Church we had a bread and cup ceremony. The bread is to remind us of CHRIST'S body which HE gave as atonement for our sin and the cup represents HIS blood. I have always loved the taste of the bread and those who prepare it seem to always have a bag full left overs. So I am able to enjoy the body of CHRIST for several days if I proportion it. The beauty is that it helps me think of each meal as a portion of that enactment. The body of CHRIST becomes clear with each meal or snack. Also the cup is with each drink, be it water or juice. Our body would die without food or water, our soul will die without the BODY of CHRIST! We can eat, drink and be merry, but without GOD it would be all for nothing. At each meal remember the GOD who has provided the nutrition for our body and the BLOOD HIS SON gave for our soul. GOD bless you.
January 19 Perhaps you have heard the saying, "Red sky at night sailors delight, red sky at morning sailor be warned." Maybe you thought that this came from the era of Mr Ben Franklin? But if you read Matthew 16 you would learn that saying is much older than that. We can only image the fisherman before JESUS' time telling their grandsons how and when to take their craft into the water and when not to. They passed on these warnings to protect their families from harm and even death. Jeremiah 29:11 passes on to us another tidbit of wisdom from GOD, "For I know the plans I have for you. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future of hope." With a sure promise like that, why would we want to trade for what this world would offer? We are going through what men have experienced for ages. The warnings and blessings are recorded for us to read and not fail again and again. Trust in GOD! GOD bless you.
January 18 I was remembering a time when I was young and we had little to eat. My mother would say, "It's not what you want that makes you fat, its what you get!" That was especially true when we didn't like what we were served. She would tell us that phrase quite often in many different circumstances. It always works out that we want more than what we get. We always want more and never seem to be satisfied with what we have. Similarly, Matthew records JESUS saying, "It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth." The contents of our heart spill out of our body by our tongue! Perhaps we can hold it back for awhile, but soon the truth will be revealed. We cannot hide a wicked heart, our speech gives us away. My mother's words will remain with me and gladly, so will those of our SAVIOUR, JESUS. May each of us learn to follow a pure heart. GOD bless you.
January 17 My dad loved ice cream. He would eat it nearly every day. I can remember he would read the cartons in the store an determine which was ice cream and which was ice milk. Today we don't hear a lot about the real ingredients of ice cream, but I am sure that when we taste real ice cream we could tell the difference between it and what is not real. GOD'S WORD tells us that satan is the master of half truths and lies. And although they may look like the real thing, they are not! We must be knowledgeable in GOD'S WORD and know what is real and what is not. We are growing in a world of 'tares' that can appear to be real, yet are following the half truth and not the whole truth. After all we can taste what is half ice cream and although it may taste good it is but a fraction of the taste of that which is real. Just as we will know what is truly the SPIRIT of GOD. GOD bless you.
January 16 Yesterday I was talking to my cousin, questioning how his hunting season had gone. I ribbed him about becoming a vegetarian or vegan because he hadn't had much luck. It reminded me of my Uncle Doc and the things he would kid you about. We discussed how even after he had been gone for many years, we think of him almost daily. He was a awesome man! The WORD records, "A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad." "A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good ear." May we strive to produce good. Plant stock that is worthy of producing a good fruit. GOD bless you.
January 15 Today these words have stood out to me, I hope that you will take some time and think these words over again. JESUS said, "For I have come to call NOT those think they are righteous, but those who KNOW they are sinners." Just as King Hezekiah said to his people, we must be telling the ones around us, COME BACK to the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that GOD will return to us. While the enemy is retreating and in fear we must advance the WORD of GOD. HE alone brings peace and understanding to those who are at war within themselves. HE is the SAVIOUR of mankind, HE alone is GOD. Without HIM we are doomed to repeat the sins of the world. Repeat, we cannot be stubborn against the LORD. When all is lost, GOD remains. GOD bless you.
January 14 People's opinions change when the things they are standing for actually happen to them. When disaster strikes the people turn toward GOD. When the terror is going away men revert back to what created the terror in the first place. We can read about the Kings of old and how the son would become king and lead a nation toward or away from GOD. Today, current events have brought many to reestablish a connection with GOD, we can only hope that our generation will receive that inspiration and continue to reverse its travels away from HIM and once again draw near. It is important that those who belong to the LORD JESUS be patient and assist those in a loving and patient way as they turn toward GOD. It is time that we make known that man is not in charge, but the ALMIGHTY HIMSELF! Just as nations in the past, we have the opportunity to fail or conquer, it is ALL by FAITH! Once again let our nation proclaim, "In GOD we trust." GOD bless you.
January 13 These words are written on a church wall in Germany bare some soul searching. They read, Thus spoketh CHRIST the LORD to us. "You call me MASTER and obey me not. You call me LIGHT and see me not. You call me the WAY and walk me not. You call me LIFE and live me not. You call me WISE and follow me not. You call me FAIR and love me not. You call me RICH and ask me not. You call me ETERNAL and seek me not. If I CONDEMN you blame me not." Our lives are judged by what we do and not by what we say. Our choices are the judgement of our eternity. We make our own destiny! Make the choices that make a difference in your life. GOD bless you. P.S. We pray that ALL our family of GOD members who live in California are and will remain safe. And GOD'S children in the Carolinas be rewarded for their faith. The signs of GOD fall upon the just and the unjust. We can curse HIM or PRAISE HIM, but HE is the one in control, we are not.
January 12 The ultimate example of forgiving our enemies comes from JESUS. While hanging on a cross he prayed, "FATHER forgive them for they don't know what they are doing." If the cruel torture of crucifixion would not silence JESUS prayer for HIS enemies, what pain, prejudice or unfair treatment would justify the silencing of our prayers for our enemies? GOD'S SPIRIT works in the lives of those who love, pray and do good to those who hate and hurt them. In our lives today we have the opportunity to share that same action. GOD bless you.
January 11 As the fires burn across the 'city of angles' I am reminded of the WORD of GOD when HE delt with the Israelites as they would sin. There were times of plagues, sickness and destruction from fire. All were sent as a punishment for turning away from GOD and taking other idols. Today we may not want to think that GOD would destroy so much property, but we KNOW that HE is the same 'yesterday, today and tomorrow'. HIS warnings and signs can be called by the name 'natural disasters', but who creates nature? Man is to be incharge of the things around him and control what is, to his own safety. Failure to do those things results in loss. If we look at these as signs from GOD, wouldn't we have a different outlook toward it's existence? Open our hearts to accept YOU, LORD, and let us humble ourselves and seek YOU. Just as our ancestors did many years ago when they would wander away from YOU. BLESSED be the name of the LORD, from which all things come. GOD bless you.
January 10 When I got up this morning I could see that it was bright for 4 O'clock. Sure enough as I looked out the window there was a covering of snow. I remembered the hymn that goes, "wash me that I may be whiter than snow." There is always that brightness of snow covering the ground and in comparison we must be cleaned of the darkness that satan has given us, in able to become clean. Even bright, brighter than snow. What a difference there is when snow covers the dark ground. That is how we are to be changed, changed in a remarkable and astounding way that has a great contrast to our old being. No longer hidden in the darkness, but set apart by the LIGHT of GOD! As the snow covers and changes the ground, allow the blood of JESUS to change you and make your life 'whiter than snow' set apart and aglow with the WORD of GOD. May GOD bless you.
January 9 As we turned on the news and learned of the fires that were burning in the city of 'Angels', the first words from my wife were, "Well our insurance rate is going to go up!" The state of California is already wanting federal money, while the people of North Carolina are still living in tents. Who will get the fastest response, the poor or rich? One thing that I am certain, is that when tragedy was about to strike, peoples minds turned toward GOD. Regardless of how they had lived their life up to that moment, when disaster showed up, the thought of GOD did too. You see, just as GOD'S WORD says, "I will imprint in their minds the difference between right and wrong." So even the ones who produced x-rated films, at that moment, turned their thoughts to GOD. Humans have a way of wanting to be in control, but once we loose that control and all seems lost, who do we turn to? We all do it. Too many will turn away, even after that warning. GOD has made us in HIS image so that we can see HIM in everyone. To bad that satan can take that image and distort it away from GOD. It is a great loss, greater than any earthly possession to have our soul separated from GOD. Keep the LIVING LORD above any possession. May the GRACE of the LORD JESUS be with HIS people.
January 8 The days have become colder and the wood pile is becoming smaller. The urge to get up and head for the woods is often trumped by the warmth of the bed. That isn't unusual for me, as there is no need to harvest another animal. What burns within is to perfect the equipment that I have and use, so that next year, I can do the very best with what I have. Our walk with GOD should be no less. When we have completed one portion we must prepare for another. Making it possible for us to do the best for CHRIST with what we have. The more we read HIS WORD the better equiped we will be to tackle the obstacles ahead. When the task seems to large, remember that HE is ALWAYS with you, growing closer with each reading. Each of us can accomplish more than we think we can. We just need to be prepared to do our best with what we have. Everything in our life, is to be consumed in JESUS CHRIST. GOD bless you.
January 7 To my neighbor that passed away from cancer on Saturday. Dan, I am sorry that I didn't call you the other day and talk to you about the miracles GOD has done in my life. HE has taken me from what seemed important in this life and showed what is really important both now and for eternity. I should have told you of the joy and comfort that you gave me as we were neighbors. And shared with you the amazing stories of what GOD has done. I am sorry that the WORD of GOD was not offered when it should have. If your soul is judged unworthy the blood is on my hands for remaining silent. My hope is that someone else heeded the call and you were given the opportunity to be a part of the FAMILY of GOD. This world has many distractions, as we both know, but none should be more important than our connection with the ONE who made us. I let down both GOD and you and neither deserve such a disobedient person in their life. Thank you for the years of friendship, joy amd neighborly kindness. Forgive me for my shortcomings. May GOD have mercy on our soul. For HE alone can find us without fault, clean and pure as a stream of melting snow and deliver us to our eternal HOME. For HE alone is the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and to HIM we must all answer. HIS called and chosen, and faithful ones will be with HIM. GOD bless you.
January 6 As deer season comes to a close for me, I look back at the failures and triumph of the season. How grateful I am to be able to enjoy GOD'S creation at 75. Together HE has allowed 6 animals to go to needy families and supply our own freezer for another year. I hope that your days afield have harvested a greater closeness with the ONE who made creation and all within it. Some seasons are filled with dry spells and others with bounty just as in life. We must turn our eyes toward the LORD to truly see the generous portions we have been given. The next 'season' of our life begins today and we should make the best to prepare for the 'seasons' ahead. May those preparations bring you success in the future. Keep your eye on the prize ahead. GOD bless you.
January 5 We look back over our lives and see regret, failure, sometimes shame, but we can also see a turning point where our lives turned toward someone greater. Those who can see that point look back in gladness, those who cannot see a turn look back with despair and darkness. Much like trying to remember a movie that you saw a year ago. It has become faint and of little value. We have within us the WORD of GOD, imprinted into our being, what is right or wrong and we choose wrong! How can we say we are going to be judged by GOD when we are sentencing ourselves to death by our own actions? Today we will have the opportunity to do what is wrong or right, make a willful walk toward being proclaimed not guilty. GOD bless you.
January 4 "But the people still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to GOD. They continued to worship idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood. Idols that can neither see nor hear nor walk." "This disaster came upon the nation of Israel because the people worshiped other gods, thus sinning against the LORD their GOD." We watch the stock markets the interest rate, we are more concerned about our savings accounts than our being accountable to GOD. The same things have attacked every generation from the early times of Israel, till today. The reason being, satan knows what works to draw you away from GOD. Today watch the many temptations to draw you away from GOD and place the idol of money before HIM. It will happen, count the number of times you are tempted and rejoice that you can make a choice of whIch to follow. Life is a choice, who is your GOD? We are given 'free will', we are judged by our own choices. May our GOD be a blessing to others, through us.
January 3 Has the forth seal been broken, of the seven seals? When the fourth seal was broken one forth of the world was given over to death by sword, famine, and disease, much like the world we live in today! The next seals speak of the stars falling from the skys and the earth being shaken and rolled up as a scroll. Much like the description of atomic blasts. We may not visually see seals being broken. But we witness the results of their breaking. Some will say that the world has been like this since the beginning, yet those words too, offer a example of what the WORD of GOD describes, as scoffers in the end times. Many will choose to not believe, thinking there 'is no God', yet that too was spoken of in Psalms. Those who believe may accept that we are indeed approaching the day of HIS return, so unheeded by the world. And that was also spoken about. Indeed the day draws near that we look to the HEAVENS and bend our knee one last time on this earth and proclaim the KING of KINGS, the LORD of LORDS has returned. The picture is clear, the WORD reveals itself each day, may we not be blind to HIS return. GOD be with us, allow us to STAND STRONG on the WORD from GOD to man.
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